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EXATEL servicesResponsibilities of EXATEL Corporate Group
EXATEL S.A. is a state-owned telecommunications operator that has its own optical fibre network and manages one of the most modern telecommunications networks in Poland.
Alongside EXATEL, the Company ENERGO-TEL S.A. is also a part of EXATEL Corporate Group, which responds to the needs of its customers by offering safe and high-quality services, while taking into account the Organisation’s impact on the society and environment.
In the last years, EXATEL CG has taken a number of steps that are now becoming the basis for implementing the Sustainability Strategy into business operations, as well as preparing for ESG reporting under the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive). At the moment, the Group is in the process of developing indexes for reporting and analysing its carbon footprint.

Environmental responsibility
Our commitment to protecting the environment is defined by EXATEL CG’s Environmental Policy, developed, and implemented internally. The main goal of this policy is for the process of make (service and product) implementation to have as little environmental impact as possible. It is implemented through sub-goals:
- rational management of raw and other materials, water, heat and power energy;
- minimising technological waste, implementing an environmentally safe waste management, segregating and transferring waste for processing;
- making use of the available new technologies, adopting an economic and environmental approach, when launching investments or modernisations;
- obtaining reliable and up-to-date information on the energy efficiency of buildings, industrial installations and transport as well as combustion of fuels for energy generation purposes.
To fulfil the above objectives, we have committed to:
- protecting the environment from harm or degradation in all aspects of the Company’s operations;
- using the available state-of-art environment-friendly technologies;
- meeting legal and other environmental requirements applicable in the Company’s area of operation;
- continuous improvement of employee awareness within the field of environmental protection, promoting environmentally friendly practices and behaviours, encouraging employees to support the Environmental Policy and feel responsible for its implementation;
- continuous improvement of the Company’s process management system so as to meet environmental requirements;
- provide services to our customers, keeping in mind environmental protection and legal regulations.
As part of implementation of our environmental responsibility, in recent years we have undertaken a number of activities and investments aimed at reducing the Organisation's negative impact on the environment:
- implementation of the environmental management standard ISO 14001;
- a gradual transition to a low-carbon fleet: 92 hybrid cars (more than 70 percent of the stock), three electric cars (more on the way); four car charging stations at the premises at Perkuna 47;
- operational optimisation of the building at Perkuna 47:
- a new BMS to optimise the operation and technology of the building’s functioning;
- installation of a photovoltaic system on the roof of the building (the investment will be expanded);
- gradual replacement of indoor lighting with energy-efficient solutions;
- switching off the plafonds on the facade of the building and outdoor lighting on the Company’s premises at night;
- air conditioning – replaced chillers with energy-efficient ones;
- limiting the operation of the air conditioning system in the building in the afternoon and on holidays;
- installing light-activating motion sensors in kitchens (similar ones are being tested in bathrooms);
- installing temporary energy switches on water dispensers;
- replacement of bathroom faucets with ones equipped with tap aerators.
- waste:
- segregation of municipal and packaging waste – transfer to recycling;
- management of hazardous waste (batteries, accumulators) – in accordance with applicable regulations;
- agreements with recovery companies;
- registration in: BDO (Waste Database); KOBiZE (National Centre for Emissions Management), CRO (Central Register of Operators for equipment containing F-Gases, i.e. air conditioning equipment, chillers), reporting in these databases as per applicable regulations;
- reporting and paying fees due to the Office of the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship for the use of the environment in the scope of: introduction of gases or dust into the air (air conditioning equipment), combustion of fuels in internal combustion engines used for the needs of our activities (company cars, compressor-type equipment, portable generator, excavator) and energy combustion (power generators).
- in terms of operation: commencement of replacing old telecommunications equipment with new, energy-efficient one.

Social responsibility
EXATEL means committed people. Our employees are very important to us, so we have implemented a number of measures to ensure an environment conducive to efficient and innovative work.
In addition to strict compliance with labour laws, we take a whole range of measures such as:
- development and implementation of an Anti-Bullying Policy;
- implementation of Company’s policy on equal treatment and wellbeing of employees,
- health promotion: vaccination campaigns, webinars on health (including mental health),
- subsidised medical care,
- opportunity to join group insurance,
- promotion of sports: subsidising the Multisport card, sports groups, and individual participation of our employees in competitions of various levels,
- various social assistance in accordance with the Regulations of the Company Social Benefits Fund,
- supporting the professional development of employees by funding courses, workshops, training, etc,
- detailed on-boarding for new employees to allow them to join the ranks of the organisation more quickly.
Procedures for recruiting, developing, training, and evaluating employees are complementing the basic, legal-based internal regulations.

Governance responsibility
EXATEL S.A. is a company that fully complies with the law. The management in our Company is mostly based on defined processes, policies, and practices that guide the organisation's decision-making process. The Company has a clearly defined management structure, a rational approach to risks and opportunities, and defined values. It operates with transparency and integrity, and cares about the security of systems and assets.
We are guided by the adopted Code of Ethics and the Anti-Corruption Policy of EXATEL CG. The vetting of contractors for sanctions imposed in connection with the war in Ukraine has also been clearly defined.
Our management is based on ISO certification – Integrated Management System. Beside the ISO 14001 standard of environmental management, we have also implemented the standards: ISO/IEC 27001 – Information Security Management System (ISMS) and ISO 22301 – Business Continuity Management System (BCMS).