The qualification procedure for EXATEL’s Management Board members has ended. The Supervisory Board of EXATEL, a Po...
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EXATEL at the Cybersecurity Forum of Eastern Poland in Jarosław
On 18 June 2021, the Academic Cultural Centre of the State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jarosław will ho...
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) – the technology of the future
The programmable network revolution is coming. What is Software-Defined Networking (SDN, also known as programmable comp...
Polish5G is accelerating. The stakeholders declare they are ready
During the “Is Poland ready for 5G?” roundtable there was no shortage of vehement exchanges: “If I may violate the conve...
EXATEL experts at a space technology conference
What will the development of space technologies and the whole Polish space sector look like? Can you identify the goals...
EXATEL joins the prestigious Open Networking Foundation
EXATEL has joined the Open Networking Foundation (ONF) – one of the world’s largest non-profit organizations driving tra...
Polish space cluster – a step towards the Earth Observation Satellite System
Today, representatives of the local government of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, Polish telecommunications operator EXATE...
Merry and Healthy Christmas!
Christmas is about to come. This year, we wish you health, happiness and peace. That you can be with your family if it’s...
EXATEL Remote Desktop – a new EXATEL service
EXATEL Wirtualny Pulpit to nowa usługa polskiego operatora telekomunikacyjnego.