A revolution in programmable network is coming. It is worthwhile to start a discussion about this technology and its implementations. Let’s start with the basic facts and features of Software-Defined Networking (SDN in short, a programmable computer network).
SDN is a new concept in designing telecommunication networks. It originated in 2007, at America’s Stanford University, and it has been under development by the international community, universities and telecommunication companies since then.
Rapid response
The networking device of a classic software-defined computer array executes only the actions that require a rapid response (controlling network packet traffic). This device is, however, manageable by way of SDN technology, and through this, its configuration can be changed over a wide range.
Central network management
Network management, which determines packet flow and the shape of services provided by the network is transferred from a device (the box) to a central hub – a network controller that can manage a group of software-defined computer network devices.
SDN devices are more versatile, since changing network services, which with classic devices requires reconfiguration or device replacement, in the case of the SDN philosophy, merely requires managing a central hub that sends configuration change commands to the devices. Continuous monitoring of the device condition, which is the essence of Software-Defined Networking, hinders attacks upon these devices. The option to change a device function and the network services it provides enables avoidance of device replacement and the best resource utilization.
Open standard
Open standards, such as OpenFlow, play a very important role in the development of Software-Defined Networking. They have enabled the use of device management platforms resulting from such projects as Open vSwitch or ONOS.
Perspective technology
The SDN philosophy is affiliated with the Internet of Things (IoT) philosophy: exchanging services at the border of a telecommunication network. SDN technology is also designed to adopt 5G technology.
A prerequisite for the success of the Software-Defined Networking technology is implementing and popularizing flexible, quick and safe network devices that are compatible with the SDN standard. Creating a platform of such type opens the door to developing innovations in the field of network communication. Despite so many years of Internet development, there are still unsolved issues in terms of managing network packet traffic and there are still numerous challenges to overcome so that Internet services are supplied to a consumer quickly, efficiently and safely.