Critical infrastructure – why is it worth protecting?

We are launching a series of videos from our EXATEL Security Days 2018 conference. We start with critical infrastructure – and how to protect it. Attacks on crucial infrastructure, from the power sector, to industrial I&C, have long been known to experts. However, their scale and efficiency have increased drastically. Jakub Syta, Director at the cybersecurity department at EXATEL analyses previous events involving such attacks. He also attempts to define the counteracting framework. The lecture was part of the EXATEL Security Days 2018 conference. The last 6 minutes is a short overview of the EXATEL Security Days 2018 conference agenda.

About the conference

EXATEL Security Days 2018 is already the third edition of a conference on the practical side of cybersecurity. The principle we follow is – as little theory, and as much practice and action as possible. The last two days have seen the fastest changes in the cybersecurity sector in history., and questions on the impact of IT on everyday life, and the condition and functioning of the state were asked so decidedly for the first time.

Discussions on cybersecurity have moved on from the conference to media headlines. #CoDalej [#whatnext] – this was the slogan we decided to promote this year’s EXATEL Security Days with. For it is clear that cybersecurity is entering a new age. This is an era that will affect everyone through completely new contexts. The Internet of Things, 5G, national IT infrastructure, industry 4.0, hybrid conflicts – many of these phenomena were not considered a year or two ago. What to invest in so as not to lag behind in this “arms race”?

Jakub Syta