Public sector – offer for Local Government Units and government administration
We are well aware of the fact that working in the public sector requires responsibility. EXATEL is a State-Owned company that deals on a daily basis with projects determining State security. We have been serving Poland’s public sector companies for over 20 years.
We have been trusted by more than 140 public clients – including the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of National Defence, the Ministry of Interior and Administration, as well as the Police. We provide connectivity for the OST 112 project and the System of State Registers. We are not afraid of demanding challenges. We simply implement solutions to them. Public administration units such as marshal and province (voivodship) offices, district authorities (starosties) and city halls are also aware of our reputation.
Why us
- We have been serving the biggest public sector organizations in Poland for over 20 years. Our clients include: Ministry of National Defence, Ministry of Inferior and Administration, and uniformed services
- We guarantee the highest level of data confidentiality — we hold the EU and NATO First-Degree Industrial Security Certificate with the top-secret clause, and the UE Secret and NATO Secret clause, as well as the ISO-IEC 27001 certificate
- We care about the security of public data — by providing managed cybersecurity services
- We respond to client needs — our experts will analyse what you need and develop a tailor-made offer.
Hard facts
- 23 800 km of a fibre-optic network
- 100% State-owned
- We built OST 112 – the most important public administration network in Poland.
As a company controlled by the State Treasury, we are familiar with the specifics and needs of the public sector. We know well that ensuring service quality and security is of utmost important to public institutions. The good of the state is written in the DNA of our company.
We are also well aware that every operating scenario is different. This is why we will diligently test the technical requirements of your project. The solution we will come up with will be perfectly tailored to your needs.
We offer comprehensive service packages that are tailored to the need of companies from many sectors:

The number of medium and large-sized companies benefiting from our services has already passed 330 and is constantly growing.

The leaders of the financial sector have trusted us. We provide services to most banks in Poland.

Our modern and extensive fibre-optic network is over 23 800 km long – we reach almost every corner of our country.
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